Healthy Cells, Healthy You with Janet Walker

Brain Health! Expert Jennifer Awinda explains dementia and the importance of Omegas

Janet Walker / Jennifer Awinda Season 1 Episode 15

As we age, we gain wisdom. But what else happens to our brains as we age? Are you protecting your aging brain? We know that Lifestyle has a profound impact on our brain health. What we eat and drink, how much we exercise, how well we sleep, the way we socialize, and how we manage stress are all critically important to our brain health. 

In today’s episode, we’ll be joined by dementia specialist and healthy brain expert Jennifer Awinda. She’ll help us understand a common brain disease, dementia. She’ll also tell us about good diet practices for brain health, and we’ll discuss the importance of healthy telomeres and quality Omega supplement’s, like LifePharm’s Omega 3 Plus.

Together, we'll build Healthy Cells, and a Healthy You!

Janet Walker  00:06

As we age, we gain wisdom. But what else happens to our brains as we age? Are you protecting your aging brain? We know that lifestyle has a profound impact on our brain health, what we eat and drink, how much we exercise, how well we sleep, the way we socialize, and how we manage stress are all critically important to our brain health. In today's episode, we'll be joined by dementia specialist and healthy brain expert Jennifer Winda. She'll help us understand a common brain disease, dementia. She'll also tell us about good diet practices for brain health. And we'll discuss the importance of healthy telomeres and quality Omega supplements, like LifePharm’s, Omega three plus. Welcome, everyone, I'm your host, Janet Walker. for over 16 years I've been a writer and producer for the award winning national PBS Health Information Programs, American Health Journal, and innovations in medicine. We've interviewed 1000s of doctors, scientists and researchers on every topic related to health and medicine. In this podcast, I'll be focusing on ways to improve your health on a cellular level. We'll also discuss the science research and products developed by our sponsor LifePharm Incorporated, a company dedicated to cellular repair, longevity, and healthy aging. Welcome listeners. Today we're so happy to have senior care professional dementia trainer and author illustrator Jennifer a window with us. Jennifer has served as a volunteer for the Banner Alzheimer's Institute and the Alzheimer's Association. For nearly 20 years she has had various progressive roles for senior care companies, including executive director of assisted living and memory care facilities, Regional Operations for assisted livings in the western United States and Chief Operations Officer for senior care company in Arizona. Jennifer is a frequent public speaker at presentations and seminars, a guest on radio and television, and she is certified through the National Council of certified dementia practitioners. Welcome, Jennifer, thanks so much for being with us today.

 Jennifer Awinda  02:17

Thank you for having me on.

 Janet Walker  02:18

So you work in assisted living and memory care communities, including as a traveling lecture on the topic of dementia, and I've written so many books about the topic. How did you become interested in the topic and in working with dementia patients?

 Jennifer Awinda  02:32

Around 20 years ago, I had two grandparents, my maternal grandparents diagnosed with different diseases, both of which caused dementia. So my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease that led to dementia. And my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, which also led to dementia. So you know, visiting them, I would see the disconnect going on in their brains. It was almost like there was some short circuiting happening. My grandparents were highly intelligent. My grandmother was a librarian, my grandfather, both of them highly intelligent people. And so for them to have been slipping that way and even not recognize my own mother. My I remember my grandmother was talking about my own mother who was sitting right beside me, but she didn't recognize her. So I started working in assisted living communities, activities director, I became marketing did a lot of different roles in assisted living, to help with people who needed answers to questions to help them find the right place to live, things like that.

 Janet Walker  03:48

And let's talk about your books for a moment. Why did you write navigating Arizona's senior care industry as well as several children's books on the topic of dementia?

 Jennifer Awinda  03:57

The navigating book itself was due to just about every family member that would inquire about senior care. They had the same exact questions. And I'd sometimes I'd have three different inquiry calls or more every single day. It's it actually has not changed. I've actually gotten more inquiries on a daily basis over the years. So unfortunately, it's the dementia situation is progressing. Negatively. The book navigating Arizona's senior care industry is it basically answers questions about just about every topic related to senior care. When people ask about what's the difference between independent living and assisted living and memory care and what's an in home care company versus medical home health and what is it in advanced directive and hospice and palliative care and geriatric care managers and even put a small piece in there regarding dementia, what it looks like and when how it gets diagnosed, things like that how to interact with people who have dementia, at all stages, just the very basics of information. So it's not overwhelming. The book is literally 25 pages long. The children's books portion of it, the children's books about dementia that I have written, are to bridge the gap because I was an activity director for around seven years. The grandparents, great grandparents I was working with would have visitors come in the adult children who would bring their children, sometimes grandchildren to visit their loved one. And what I saw very often with the children playing over here, when grandma was way over there, there was no intergenerational programming happening in the community during the visit. So I got very interested in that part, I began pulling in the children coming up with things that they could do that our seniors with whatever stage of dementia they were in that they could do. So they could you know, have a joyful visit together. The children's books are ABC Alzheimer's book for children. And it's basically different activities that you can do with someone who has dementia. I wrote once a man twice a child dementia education for teenagers, and that is because the teams they can grab a lot more information. It breaks down what dementia is versus what the diseases that causes dementia, different symptoms of each of those diseases that affect the different parts of the brain that cause dementia. The Of course, activities, since activities is huge, for me, quality of life is so important. We can live 100 years, but if you're you know, last 40 years is all debilitating. What kind of quality of life are you having, right. And then of course, the book that I'm writing right now is for that adult child, who is you know, 30,40, 50,60 ,70 years old, working, you know, with their loved one with a loved one that has dementia. So they cannot just understand what's going on in the brain. And not just have those engaging visits, but also try to prevent their own bodies from developing diseases that cause dementia. Because unfortunately, our nation is getting sicker. And I know that for sure. Because of all the inquiries that I'm getting now, they have changed. The people who are looking for assisted living now are much different than the ones that were looking for assisted living 20 years ago, 20 years ago, it was my mom needs help with, you know, incontinence care, medication management. But now, you know, they're bed bound. They have catheters, they are baby boomers in their 60s and 70s. With dementia, many of them have diseases that are going to cause dementia, even if they don't already have the dementia. So it's, it's a scary reality that our future looks fearful regarding health or health conditions in this country. So that's why I write all these books.

 Janet Walker  08:33

Now let's talk a little bit about the disease itself. What's the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?

 Jennifer Awinda  08:41

So Alzheimer's is just one of the many diseases or conditions that causes dementia. I mean, just one of them. A stroke, a massive stroke can cause dementia. Of course Parkinson's disease can cause dementia, a traumatic brain injury can cause dementia. Actually, the first case of dementia was in the mid mid 1800s, where a gentleman named gage worked on the railroad and one of the railroad bars went through his frontal lobe, and he developed dementia, personality changes all that stuff. Of course, we've got chemically induced dementia, the alcohol abuse, of course, I'm fearful for the future with all of the street drugs and pharmaceutical drugs that are plaguing our nation, which will likely lead to serious conditions that would cause dementia. There are I mean, hydrogen stuff, a lot of encephalitis causes dementia, there's so many different things that cause dementia. Dementia itself is the symptoms. Dementia is an umbrella term of symptoms of the cognitive decline. The disease's themselves and the conditions themselves are what lead to developing dementia What are some of the most common symptoms of dementia? Specifically with let's let's talk about Alzheimer's dementia, since that seems to be the bulk of all the dementia cases, it's initially it's that memory loss and repeating yourself the asking the same question, five minutes later, or 30 seconds later, not being able to retain the new information, or you know, I take my dog on a walk every single day, we always go around this one same corner, we go home. But now I go outside and nothing is recognizable to me, I can't figure out where I mad I get lost in space. So it's hard for me to get to the store and then to the bank, and then back home, or I get lost in time. I think it's 1950. And it's really 2022. One of the assessments that I do for new coming residents, is ask a few questions. Who's the president united states? What's the date? What's the year? What did you eat yesterday, if you can't remember what you ate yesterday. And that's not because you ate a bunch of things all day long. But you genuinely cannot remember that you ate breakfast this morning, then that is cause for concern, you should probably see to your physician and of course neurologist that can begin doing the Mocha tests and all the different cognitive testing. So in the initial stages, for the Alzheimer's, specifically, that part of the vet type of dementia, I see the memory loss, I see the inability to find the right words to say, not being able to comprehend what other people are saying, formulate that sentence, the way that you really want to that communication piece is huge. And then the frontal lobe problems that we see are bad decisions, not understanding people need personal space, not being able to see other people's point of view or their perspective, have that empathy or compassion. So we see a lot of different things in the early stages. In the later stages of dementia, we see, of course, the communication piece, just fading even more, being able to communicate, being able to control impulses and emotions. The occipital lobe in the back of the brain is tends to be affected with vision problems, not recognizing people, or recognizing that beads are not candy, that bleach is not water. So it's very dangerous. You know, you hear about a lot of situations that happen in assisted livings due to the inability to recognize danger. So that those are some of the symptoms of dementia. Of course, there are so many more. But the changes in personality and behavior, the changes in communicating and being able to understand those are huge.

 Janet Walker  13:12

Are there any preventative measures that people can take to help keep them from developing dementia?

 Jennifer Awinda  13:18

Yes, the good thing is, even if you genetically are predisposed, say, you know, like my grandparents, I've got two grandparents. I know they had dementia, they had diseases that cause dementia. But even though that is the situation, environment plays a huge factor in how I treat my body. What I put in my body, most of the foods in our country, lead to diseases that cause dementia, most of these foods that are approved by the FDA, are banned in other countries. So there's something there, okay. Our country has many epidemics of disease, not just one and we're talking even toddlers, toddlers, you know, that are obese and things like that. So, if we're drinking sugary drinks, be it to the juice or be it the sodas and the energy drinks and stuff like that we're putting poison in our body. You know, I liked I saw like a Instagram or Facebook or one of those posts a few years ago. And it said, humans are plants with emotions, something to that extent, like if you pour soda pop on your plant, it's probably not going to thrive like if you give it water. So not only are we that's a great analogy, yeah, not only are we depleting our bodies of water, but we're depleting our bodies of fiber. Most of the foods that are processed have removed Have all the fibers from the foods in order to increase the shelf life, any fast food that you get has like zero fiber, or maybe there's a little bit, but that's not like what we used to eat, you know, hundreds of years ago, we had, you know, we were eating fiber all the time. And now we're not. So that has a huge part to play all these processed foods, whether it's a vegan processed food, or whether it's crackers and cookies, I mean, you might as well just eat the cookies, then, you know, it's they're about the same. We have bacteria in our guts, both good and bad. And unfortunately, we've got these epidemics of disease in our country, the foods that we're eating are feeding the bad bacterias. And those bacterias, just like every cell in our body has a mind of its own. So those bacterias are telling us to reach for those chips and reach for those doughnuts and reach for those delicious pastries that are actually killing us and poisoning us. So all these delicious foods, the fatty, you know, the bad fats, ofay they're calling us we're reaching out to them, because they're calling us it's hard to change your diet, especially just overnight cold turkey, it takes a really, really strong willed to do that.

 Janet Walker  16:24

So then the worst foods for brain health are processed foods, fatty and fried foods. And I think you mentioned sugar, sugary drinks, sugar.

 Jennifer Awinda  16:35

Yes. And you know, it's different nowadays than it was 100 years ago, when sugar was way more expensive and harder to find prior to World War Two, back then, you know, the amount of sugar that we were consuming was minut compared to the average 100 pounds a year that every American is consuming. Or the 50 pounds a year of high fructose corn syrup that the average American is consuming. When people talk about they want to lose weight. I'm like, Well, have you tried any sugary drinks if you drink if you eat anything with with high fructose corn syrup, you're fighting against yourself. So here, we're dieting, we're doing all these diets. But we're fighting against ourselves by consuming other things that are not whole foods.

 Janet Walker  17:27

So then whole foods are the are the best foods that we can eat to protect our brains.

 Jennifer Awinda  17:33

Most definitely a Whole Foods, they're easy to find, too. They're just not what we want necessarily. Diets.

 Janet Walker  17:43

So then whole foods would be grains, fruits, vegetables, and even meats, as long as they're in their single ingredient form meaning they haven't been processed. Is that right? 

 Jennifer Awinda  17:55

Well, okay, let's talk about pecans and walnuts as well. Those they even look like brains. Those are good for brain food, berries, the blueberries, those are great. Any berries, the high in antioxidants, any things that's going to help with that there are quite a few things, the flax seed, the pumpkin seed, the chia seeds, those are really great for brain health. Soy, I know there's some controversy out there about soy but soy is good for brain health. The main thing is we have to if you're worried about the estrogen, part of soy or whatever, then you know moderation but to just say I'm not going to eat any soy at all, you know, work with your physician to make sure that what you decide to eat is going to be healthy for you. I know some people are on certain medications, they can't have dark green leafy vegetables or whatever. Or maybe they're allergic to nuts or seeds or whatever. So do what's right for you consult your physician. But if you can eat those dark green leafy vegetables, the spinach and the kale, and the collard greens and the different types of leafy vegetables, the brussel sprouts, if you can consume those things, they're going to help for your brain health. The fatty fish also has the high omega threes like the salmon and the herring. But you have to be careful because of the mercury. And unfortunately, the farmed fish in our country, the stuff that makes the salmon pink on those fish farms that is outlawed in other countries. So we have to be really careful with some of those foods that sound like they're good, but may have mercury or some additives or preservatives or hormones or whatever antibiotics whatever they're putting in the foods which leads to our cows and our chicken Tim's in our, you know, the pigs and things like that. Those products, I'm just gonna say it, they're not good for our health. Yes, I do like some fried chicken once in a while, I'm not gonna lie. But I know when I eat it, I'm working against myself. The animals that are being raised on the farms are, um, let me just put it like this, most of the antibiotics being pushed out in this country are going straight into the animals. So we are eating, what those animals are being, you know, pumped up with. And even when they say they're free range and things like that, you know, you gotta be careful, because there's a lot of a lot of issues, there's, there's a lot of things that you can read, there's a lot of stuff on YouTube, you can watch on Netflix, all these different documentaries, that you can watch about how the food is grown in our country, whether it is a plant, or whether it is an animal, and how it's actually working against us. I just feel that over the decades, we've been told we have to eat meat, and that we have to eat certain things that are working against us. I know there was a big thing in the 80s, low fat. Well, that did not help with weight loss, that's for sure. Because we've got a real problem with obesity. Anything that says low fat or low sugar probably has some type of an additive in it that is not good for our health. So if you're going to get the low fat cream, you might as well just get the regular cream.

 Janet Walker  21:42

Right, right. Yeah.

 Jennifer Awinda  21:44

If you're gonna go sugar free, because you're diabetic, that's different. But what's happening is, we're treating symptoms more than we're treating the actual problem, I could put all the face creams on that I that I could afford to prevent wrinkles. But I'm not actually doing right by my body, if I'm not consuming the Omega threes, and the other things that I need to ensure that my skin is looking good.

 Janet Walker  22:11

Right, right. Let's talk a little bit about supplements, our supplements helpful for those interested in preventing dementia or even for those who already have dementia, because I'm sure that a lot of people can't get the amount of whole food, nutrition through eating, you know, lots of vegetables and spinach and kale and such, especially as people get elderly in assisted living, or start suffering from dementia.

 Jennifer Awinda  22:41

Yes, I mean, the the easy answer is yes, we have to use supplements, because the food is so lacking now in nutrients. And because we cook our food, we're not eating it raw, for the most part. If I go and get the broccoli, or you know, the kale or whatever, I'm more likely to cook it in butter. Other thing that's not really healthy, but I'm basically even if I'm using olive oil, which is better, right? That's better than the other types of oils. But even if I'm using olive oil, I'm still killing all the nutrients out of the food. So I'm not getting what I need, which means I must take supplements myself. But the supplements can't just be any supplements. There's a bazillion of them out there. And a lot of times we're not we're not getting the vitamin D that we need to actually absorb those nutrients in the supplements. So it goes right through it just like if you were to eat a piece of paper, it's not going to, you know give you what you're looking for what your body is looking for. So yes, the short answer. We need supplements nowadays because things have changed so much in the food processing and manufacturing industry.

 Janet Walker  24:03

Let's talk a little bit about our sponsor LifePharm. As you know, they make a number of whole food supplements and they're very careful about how they source their ingredients sustainability products that are mostly organic, and and several to help with brain health. So I'd like to talk a moment first about laminine, which has an FGF cell generating ingredient blend, including an egg bio factory that stimulates stem cells. A recent study shows how laminine supports good self protection and development, particularly in the area of keeping telomeres long and robust. So we won't get too deep into discussions about laminine and in this episode, but can you tell us a little bit about telomeres and why they're important to brain health?

 Jennifer Awinda  24:55

Yes, I'm so glad that we're talking about telomeres i over the past last few years have been learning about telomeres. We are not suffering from age related diseases, we are suffering from telomere shortening related diseases. So telomeres are basically the protective ends of our chromosomes, those little plastic things at the end of the shoe laces that keep the shoelace from unraveling. So here are telomeres are like that plastic end of a of a shoelace. But every time we regenerate new cells, those telomeres are telling us how to regenerate it and what should be in there. And they're shortening, they're shortening, they're shortening every time we're making new cells, these are shortening, so the shorter the telomeres get, now we're seeing the wrinkles in the gray hair, and we're aging, we are aging, because our telomeres are shortening. I know there are some people out there that are 60 and 70 years old, and they look like they're 30. And maybe they're even in health, like their you know better health, like they're in their 30s. And I've known 50 year olds that look like they're 70. So that's where those telomeres are coming into play. And the only way to make sure our telomeres remain healthy is to consume the micronutrients that we need the Omega threes and the other things that are going to help prevent our telomeres from disappearing all together. Because if they disappear all together will poof, there went that cell, there went that chromosome there went that so we have to prevent our telomeres from disappearing from shortening. A lot of people talk about, oh, the Fountain of Youth and they want to live, you know, to be over 100 Well, nowadays, it's quite possible that you can live to be 100, or more like a lot of the residents in assisted living, but their quality of health is terrible. And they're using all of these medications that are potentially prolonging their life but not helping with their disease process. So having a quality life is probably more important than just having longevity, because you're going to want both of them together.

 Janet Walker  27:21

We'll end in the telomere study that LifePharm conducted, which is actually in the physicians PDR, it was quite a lengthy study. And it it did indicate that the product does help lengthen telomeres, but they also did a study with that product in conjunction with an Omega product. And you've mentioned omegas multiple times. So let's talk about omegas a little bit and why those are so important to brain health.

 Jennifer Awinda  27:50

Omega threes are like our building blocks for life. Let me just say it that way, because I see a lot of mental health problems out there. And yes, we have all these diseases that are epidemics, that our mental health problem is an epidemic to the behavioral health facilities are overflowing nowadays. And I know the pandemic added to issues. But it appears that that pandemic just helped those issues to resurface. So we had depression and anxiety and all these different things before, but now was like over the top, omega threes helped to stabilize our mood. And we do not produce these naturally within our bodies. So the only way to get them is either through the foods we eat or through supplements and the supplements themselves. You know, you have to take enough of that supplement in order for it to actually make an impact. But those omega threes, they, they help to not only stabilize our mood, they help people feel better make your overall outlook on life, you feel more positive, but they're also they help to prevent heart disease, and you know, high blood pressure and the cholesterol and all the plaque buildup and all that stuff. They help to prevent those strokes, they help prevent cancers and things like that. So it's also good for your hair and your skin. So putting all those topical creams and putting all the chemicals or whatever nutrients onto your hair isn't going to be as beneficial as actually consuming what we need and doing it from the inside out. Omega threes help with our energy level. So in the United States, we work hard a lot. I know there's a lot of people that are lazy, okay, that's just around the world. But there are also a lot of people who don't even take a vacation because they can't afford it. They're working two and three jobs. People are working really really hard in this country, for those that are working hard, we feel like we have low energy, you know, our energy is being zapped from us. When we come home after, you know, a long day or a long night or a long weekend or whatever, it's like, we just want to sit and just rest and kind of rejuvenate. But the food that we're eating is working against our energy. So those omega threes help with that energy, they help with our intelligence overall, the the pregnant mom who is high in omega threes is doing a benefit for their children, you know, for that child that will be born, the children that are eating, you know, consuming the proper doses of omega threes. They're, they don't have the brain fog and the ADHD like some other children that for breakfast, they're eatin blue and green sugar cereal. You know, interesting. Yeah, yeah. So the things make sense. Yeah, the things that we're feeding our children, the Pop Tarts, the things that are banned in other countries are working against our children and our children's mental health. And as we see the school shoot shootings, on the rise, and not just in the schools, but now at the malls and theaters and wherever, you know, at the Fourth of July parade, you know, this is, this is serious mental health problems that we're having in our country, stemming from not getting the nutrients like the Omega threes and the mood stabilizing nutrients that we need in our bodies, omega threes, we absolutely need in our bodies to help our brains and our overall physiological functioning of our bodies.

 Janet Walker  31:51

Gosh, you don't, you don't really consider the impact that poor nutrition has on mental health that leads to all these these issues, but it makes perfect sense. You know, when you mentioned it, it does it makes perfect sense.

 Jennifer Awinda  32:06

I mean, even like the flour, you know, most of us if we're gonna choose to eat that product that is made from flour, you know, one we already know, it's likely not a good thing for us if it's bleached white flour, because if you have a drop of bleach in your system every day, over 40 years, it's gonna have some health situations. So a lot of the foods that we eat, uh, no, pasta is delicious. Bread is so yummy, but hardly any of us are eating the whole grain bread, whole wheat, right. And, and just those types of things. So we're lacking, we're fighting against our own bodies and our own mental health. And we've got all this disease, all this diabetes. And here omega threes help to improve insulin resistance, right. So if we're not consuming the Omega threes, then we're adding disease to our bodies, we are shortening our telomeres. Acne is a huge problem for a lot of teenagers and adults. And omega threes actually help with skin conditions. So if you have an issue with acne, or if you have an issue with joint pain, you know, like the osteoporosis and the different things, the omega threes, I'm not gonna say it can, you know, cure anything, right. But omega threes help with that type of stuff. They help with the brittle thinning hair, and the low immune system, they help to improve your overall intelligence. If you feel like you have brain fog, those omega threes are going to be beneficial for you. And I realize a lot of the supplements are fish oils, and fish oils. Although we made you know the good stuff right from those fish oils. They do have contaminants in them because they're coming from the ocean that we have already polluted with all kinds of stuff, all kinds of toxic things. So the fish are ingesting and absorbing all of these pollutants in the ocean, which means when they extract the fish oil, they have to do it through a process that eliminates all of those toxins. Let's

Janet Walker  34:35

talk about LifePharm’s Omega three plus product now I know that you're you haven't personally experienced the product but we're going to send you some okay so that you can that you can try it. But I know that you're very familiar with the ingredients so maybe we can just talk a little bit about about those.

 Jennifer Awinda  34:52

The product that LifePharm I'm learning about I don't have enough information yet. I'm still learning But it appears that the supplements are derived from the egg white, that a point before a fertilized egg, but from egg white itself that has certain properties in it that are going to help to build omega threes in our bodies. So I'm interested in learning more about that process.

 Janet Walker  35:24

Right and then and then the fish that are used are also sustainable. They're from clean waters in South America, and the fish oil undergoes a molecular distillation that's tested to remove heavy metals to ensure the safety of the oils. So in combination with the with the egg white, the FGF they're trying to produce something that's effective, but very safe. Yeah. Well, Jennifer, thank you so much for being here and talking to us about dementia and ways to understand it ways to maybe slow down the progression of it. And thank you so much for talking about omegas. And I hope you enjoy the Omega three plus product I'm, I'd be interested in hearing your reaction once you've received it. And you have tried it. And I hope that we can have you join us again, sometime this was a great interview was so nice talking to you. You're so knowledgeable.

 Jennifer Awinda  36:22

Thank you very much. I look forward to receiving the products, I realized there's a series of products, there's, you know, one for brain health, one for skin health, things like that. So I'm looking forward to learning more about it, trying it myself. And then you know, after a few weeks, I'll give you you know, some information and what I feel, you know how it's doing on me .

 Janet Walker  36:44

great, great. Well, you know, we've got the omega going out to you. But if you look at the list of products, if there's anything else that you want to try, like the skin product or the laminine with the egg growth factor, just let me know and we'll get those out to you and we can talk about them. Wonderful. If you want to learn more about Jennifer's work are interested in her books on dementia for children, teens and adults, please visit her online at Jennifer That's Jennifer. A WIND And if you're interested in Omega three plus a high quality healthy supplement for brain health, visit Thank you so much for listening to the healthy cells healthy you podcast with me, your host Janet Walker. And thanks to the people of life farm who care about providing the highest quality supplements for health and cellular repair, please subscribe and tell your friends. They can find us on Apple podcasts, iHeartRadio, Spotify, or wherever they get their podcasts. Together, we'll build healthy cells and a healthy you. A listener note, Omega three plus and other LifePharm products are manufactured in a facility that upholds Current Good Manufacturing Practices and as US Food and Drug Administration compliant. The statements in this podcast have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. If you have any questions about your specific health conditions, or are allergic to eggs, fish or soy, please consult with your physician

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